
Keep in mind that Slap Ya Mama Seafood Boil, although intended to seafood, makes for a great flavor booster for boiled potatoes, corn on the cob, chicken, fish, and veggies.

SKU: 60246015 Category:

If you enjoy a good seafood boil whether crab, lobster, crawfish, shrimp, or anything else, Slap Ya Mama Seafood Boil can add a whole lot of flavor to the mix, flavor you never thought possible.

This Cajun seafood boiling spice is loaded with salt, red pepper, garlic, paprika, black pepper, and crab spice, to produce perfectly boiled and super tasty crustaceans every time. It’s full of flavor but free of MSG.

Keep in mind that Slap Ya Mama Seafood Boil, although intended to seafood, makes for a great flavor booster for boiled potatoes, corn on the cob, chicken, fish, and veggies.

Cajuns like their food spicy, but not everyone can handle so much heat, which is why Slap Ya Mama Seafood Boil comes with a medium spice level – enough to get the taste buds tingling, but not enough to blow your head off.

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