
For those who love hot wings, this sauce will make the perfect addition to a spicy BBQ. Of course, hot sauce like this works on a lot more than just chicken, and a few drops are more than enough to get those taste buds dancing with joy.


SKU: 60071035 Category:

If you are one of those people who likes to push the envelope and eat a lot of heat, then this Dave’s Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce will make a great addition to your BBQ arsenal.

In terms of spice, this sauce comes in at the very maximum possible on the scale, or in other words, it might just be spicy enough to eat through steel.

For those who love hot wings, this sauce will make the perfect addition to a spicy BBQ. Of course, hot sauce like this works on a lot more than just chicken, and a few drops are more than enough to get those taste buds dancing with joy.

Dave’s Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce is made with ghost peppers, one of the spiciest peppers in the world, plus extract from other peppers, a bit of salt, and vinegar too. It might be spicy as all heck, but it has a good bit of tang to it as well.

Daves Ghost Pepper Sauce

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